Marquez als Impf-Tourist und das falsche Bild der Dorna
By now, some of those who have remained sane should have understood: Vaccinations against Covid-19 can be risky. Several countries, except for Austria, which has been abandoned by all good spirits, have already reacted and stopped their vaccination campaigns. A police officer recently died in Italy a few hours after a Biontech vaccination, and the risk is definitely not just about Astra-Zeneca. Almost everyone nowadays also knows that none of these vaccines were developed for the mutations that make up over 70 percent of corona pandemic cases today. In addition, neither a negative test nor a vaccination protects against being or becoming a virus carrier.

Flying three from Spain to Doha for a vaccination – absolutely crazy!
Why Marc Marquez flies to Qatar for vaccination, of course, now raises questions. Allegedly, the Spaniard flew 6 hours back and forth with his father and another companion just for the vaccination in Doha. Forcing oneself up against one’s compatriots in the vaccination sequence is not considered a trivial offense. Incidentally, does someone seriously believe that his companions were not also vaccinated on this occasion? But what kind of madness is it to get an injection to take a medium-haul flight! And what a perversion of Doha as the organizer of this questionable action, to then declare it to be exemplary. We live in a truly sick world, also because most of the news portals reported this without any criticism.

The MotoGP event in Losail – since the beginning always in deficit
We weren’t able to count the audience ourselves when we were there in 2019. But it was definitely only a fraction of the officially named 30 thousand visitors who found their way to the route. We have had a trained eye for this from WorldSBK and MotoGP for many years and in Losail there is only the main grandstand, where spectators can stay on site. Behind it too, of course, but there is no other area accessible to visitors.

No comparison to usual events
Ticket prices in Qatar, along with Sepang, are among the cheapest in the world. Losail was there for 50 euros per person. It is therefore clear that the event has been in deficit since its inception. Misano earned around 8 to 10 million euros in the same year with around 9500 VIP tickets alone. In addition, there were the most expensive normal tickets for MotoGP in the comparison of all organizers together with Mugello. Qatar, on the other hand, is financed by the sheikhs and with it at least a few hundred visitors came to the desert state, and it had worldwide publicity. Dorna, as the rights’ holder of MotoGP, on the other hand, cashed in splendidly, with millions flowing into their coffers year after year.

Dorna Boss Ezpeleta and his unworldly view of things
You have to know that there is only one reason for the first double event in Qatar and that is money. As mentioned at the beginning, no other organizer can still pay full fees to Dorna without a spectator. Of course, Mr. Ezpeleta also noticed that Qatar was getting an increasingly dubious reputation among the public. Therefore, together with the rich sheikhs, he planned a supposedly ingenious prank to generate more goodwill among the public. Late in the evening before the 5th day of testing, his people urged the drivers and team bosses (without prior notice) to get vaccinated the next morning in Doha.

Ezpeleta’s plan did not work out completely
The main reason for the action was obvious. Vaccinated people should then be able to travel as freely as possible and the Qataris should be praised as benefactors. The night and fog action of Doha and the Qataris had been planned well in advance. But that is precisely why many paddock members did not participate. At least Alex Rins and Takaaki Nakagami officially announced that they definitely wanted to speak to their medical officers first. Exactly this would not have been possible out of sheer intention and therefore Ezpeleta’s plan did not quite work out in the end. However, this did not stop him from emphasizing in public that MotoGP wanted to be a role model with its vaccinations. The man is supposed to be an engineer and apparently still does not understand himself that he is doing nothing but window dressing. The worst, however, is the hypocrisy, in which most sports portals even participate voluntarily. It’s just horrible what’s going on here. Embarrassing also the reason that you vaccinate to protect other people. This has been proven to be wrong, as one can still be a virus carrier!

The incredible hypocrisy of governments
The hypocrisy about the supposedly good-hearted action by Ezpeleta and the Qataris is unfortunately not an isolated case. Politicians like “Shorty”, the Austrian Chancellor Kurz, have already made a fool of themselves with hasty attacks on the EU or on neighboring countries like Germany. In the end, it usually turned out that you only wanted to distract from your own grievances. Those responsible in Germany shot another bird. Shortly after they just opened Mallorca for tourism to their compatriots, booking numbers and prices exploded. Then came the hypocritical warning from politicians that they advise citizens against “unnecessary trips” abroad. Obviously, this is about your electorate, and you have to keep this in mind. But already over the Christmas and festive days around 50,000 holidaymakers had flown out of Germany alone every day. Against this background, what is the point of such cheap, absolutely transparent hypocrisy!

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