1st WorldSBK season 1988 (translations coming soon)
For the first half of the year see: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-history-part-1/?lang=en
For the second half of the year see: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-history-part-2/?lang=en
The second WorldSBK season in 1989
For the first half of the year see: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-3/
For the second half of the year see: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-4/
The 3rd WorldSBK season in 1990
For the first half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-5/
For the second half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-6/
The 4th WorldSBK season in 1991
For the first half of the year see: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-7/
For the second half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-8/
The 5th WorldSBK season in 1992
The first half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-9/
The second half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-10/
The 6th WorldSBK season in 1993
The first half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-11/
The second half of the year: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-12/
The 7th WorldSBK season in 1994
Das erste Halbjahr: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-13/
Das zweite Halbjahr: http://www.motoracers.eu/wsbk-story-teil-14/